Trust in the Lord. Do not be anxious about your plans. Don't try to control your world. Don't compulsively plan everything. Hum...last night at 4 a.m....this was not happening. I was wide awake and felt the need to plan out my day and think about how all my activities of the day would come together. I'm a worrier and a big planner. Clearly, today's theme is something I need to be working on in my life. Trusting the Lord is also so very fitting for our lives right now, as we are in the middle of planning our house. There are so many decisions to be made. We don't always know what the best, most cost efficient, practical answer is. It's so comforting to me to know that God is with us every step of the way and will help us through it all. And as we sit down and talk about the financial aspect of the house, it's easy to quickly get overwhelmed with the huge commitment and investment this is. However, once again, I'm so thankful that God is i...