Sunday afternoon, Felix and I watched our friends' 3-year-old daughter, Luisi, for a few hours. Her mom is pregnant and not feeling well and her dad had a meeting, so we got to hang out with her! :) We had a blast, as you can see in our pictures! When she first came, she was fascinated by the Danube River. It was so cute - she crawled right under our drying rack ('cuse the laundry please!) and enjoyed the view! We took her to a playground in our neighborhood, fed the swans, and strolled around for a bit. Then we had to make do of our non-childproof apartment for some time. When her daddy came to pick her up, she had to show him the view, too! :) Before they left, Luisi says: "Do you have anything for me, like a Kinderhegenschirm (a children umbrella said with an H instead of an R)?" We got a good laugh out of that! ;)