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December goals

A college friend of mine did a blog post about December goals. It got me thinking about what my goals are and I thought I would share them with you.

Focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  I don't want to get so caught up in the worldly view of Christmas, that I don't take the time to remember what Christmas is truly about.

Go to several Christmas markets.  Vienna has beautiful Christmas markets all over the city. So far I have only been to one. I need to be sure and visit a few more before the holidays.

Bring calendars to our neighbors. Our church has some very talented photographers in it and several years ago they got together and designed a calendar. The calendar has beautiful pictures with a verse on it and the back of each month has a short devotion written by men from the church to go along with the verse (Hubby usually does one). These calendars are now known in several countries in Europe and they hope to bring them to the US soon. They are so beautiful and make great gifts for neighbors and friends. It's a great way to share the Gospel. We've made it a tradition to share them every Christmas.

Bake Christmas cookies.  I like to bake a few different kinds of cookies to bring to our neighbors with the calendar. Just to give it a more personal touch. Although, I do feel overwhelmed with the thought of baking different types of cookies, because it seems a bit odd to just bring 2 different kinds. However, I'm not going to put myself under any pressure. This blog post about doing less stuff during the Christmas season and enjoying your child/children more instead.

Have a date night or two with hubby. We've been so busy recently with house planning, church events, etc. that I don't feel like we've had much time for just us.  I hope we can plan at least two things to do together.  We'll see! :)

What are your December goals? 


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