-- We had our "big reveal" on facebook. It looks like we'll be having another little girl! We're thrilled for a little sister for Zoey, plus the bonus of recycling all our baby girl clothes is awesome! But most importantly, baby is healthy and all is looking well!-- -- The weather here has been so great. We've been meeting lots of friends at playgrounds and parks and going for walks. It's fun to be able to play on the playground with Zoey now that she can walk and do things! But also very tiring for this pregnant mama! -- -- We've been doing lots of house things ... looking at doors, fences, different types of floors, kitchen appliances, etc. Next WEEK , they will start the digging part of building the house and then the following week , the basement will be built!! YAY, things are finally getting started!! So curious to see how all this is going to go. We stopped some new neighbors and introduced ourselves and let them now things wi...
I want to try this recipe! I never thought about the possibility of making homemade pop tarts! :)